As part of their doctorate, fellows learn about the importance of disseminating their research in society. From conferences and publications to posters, doctoral students make their research results accessible to a broad public in a manifold variety of ways.


Alessandra Colla
  • Colla (A.), Breuer (H.P.), « Entropy Production and the Role of Correlations in Quantum Brownian Motion », Physical Review, A 104, 052408, November 2021:
  • Colla (A.), Breuer (H.P.), « Open-system approach to nonequilibrium quantum thermodynamics at arbitrary coupling », Physical Review, A 105, 052216, May 2022:
  • Colla (A.), Neubrand (N.), Breuer (H.P.), « Initial correlations in open quantum systems: constructing linear dynamical maps and master equations », New Journal of Physics, 24 (2022) 123005, December 2022: DOI 10.1088/1367-2630/aca709
Andris Erglis
  • Erglis (A.), Yoshi Buhmann (S.), « Nested Open Quantum Systems Approach to Photonic Bose−Einstein Condensation », arXiv:2203.11039 [quant-ph], December 2022:

Aleena Joseph
  • Kurian (J.), Joseph (A.), Cherifi-Hertel (S.), Fowley (C.), Hlawacek (G.), Dunne (P.), Romeo (M.), Atcheson (G.), Coey (J.M.D.), Doudin (B.), « Deterministic multi-level spin orbit torque switching using focused He+ ion beam irradiation », Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 032402, January 2023:
Vineesha Srivastava
  • Jandura (S.), Srivastava (V.), Brennen (G.), Pupillo (G.), « Non-Local Multi-Qubit Quantum Gates via a Driven Cavity », arXiv:2303.13127, April 2023:
Daria Sostina
  • Singha (A.), Sostina (D.), Wolf (C.), Ahmed (S.L.), Krylov (D.), Colazzo (l.), Gargiani (P.), Agrestini (S.), Noh (W.-S.), Park (J.H.), Pivetta (M.), Rusponi (S.), Brune (H.), Heinrich (A.J.), Barla (A.), Donati (F.), « Mapping orbital-resolved magnetism in single lanthanide atoms », CS Nano 2021, 15, 10, 16162–16171, September 2021:
  • Koutsouflakis (E.), Krylov (D.), Bachellier (N.), Sostina (D.), Dubrovin (V.), Liu (F.), Spree (L.), Velkos (G.), Schimmel (S.), Wang (Y.), Büchner (B.), Westerström (R.), Bulbucan (C.), Kirkpatrick (K.), Muntwiler (M.), Dreiser (J.), Greber (T.), Avdoshenko (S.M.), Dorn (H.), Popov (A.A.), « Metamagnetic transition and a loss of magnetic hysteresis caused by electron trapping in monolayers of single-molecule magnet Tb2@C79N », Nanoscale, 14, 9877-9892, June 2022: DOI: 10.1039/d1nr08475e
Mohammed Guerboub
  • Guerboub (M.), Wansi Wendji (S.D.), Massobrio (C.), Bouzid (A.), Boero (M.), Ori (G.), Martin (E.), « Impact of the local atomic structure on the thermal conductivity of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 », J. Chem. Phys., 158, 084504, February 2023:
Charles Möhl
  • Snigirev (V.), Riedhauser (A.), Lihachev (G.), Riemensberger (J.), Wang (R.N.), Moehl (Ch.), Churaev (M.), Siddharth (A.), Huang (G.), Popoff (Y.), Drechsler (U.), Caimi (D.), Hoenl (S.), Liu (J.), Seidler (P.), Kippenberg (T.J.), « Ultrafast tunable lasers using lithium niobate integrated photonics », arXiv:2112.02036 [physics.optics], December 2021:
Arun Kumar Jaiswal
  • Jaiswal (A.K.), Wang (D.), Wollersen (V.), Schneider (R.), Le Tacon (M.), Fuchs (D.), « Direct Observation of Strong Anomalous Hall effect and Proximity Induced Magnetism in SrIrO3 », Advanced Materials, vol. 34, no 14, April 2022:
  • Jaiswal (A.K.), Schneider (R.), Le Tacon (M.), Fuchs (D.), « Magnetotransport of SrIrO3 based heterostructure », AIP Advances 12, 035120, January 2022:
Jung-Ching Liu
  • Drechsel (C.), D’Astolfo (P.), Liu (J.-C.), Glatzel (T.), Pawlak (R.), Meyer (E.), Beilstein (J.), « Topographic signatures and manipulations of Fe atoms, CO molecules and NaCl islands on superconducting Pb(111) », Nanotechnol. 13, 1-9, January 2022:
  • Pawlak (R.), Anindya (K.), Shimizu (T.), Liu (J.-C.), Sakamaki (T.), Shang (R.), Rochefort (A.), Nakamura (E.), Meyer (E)., « Atomically precise incorporation of BN doped rubicene into graphene nanoribbons », J. Phys. Chem. C, 2022, 126, 46, November 2022, 19726–19732:
  • Liu (J.-C.), Pawlak (R.), Wang (X.), D’Astolfo (P.), Drechsel (C.), Zhou (P.), Decurtins (S.), Aschauer (U.), Liu (S.-X.), Wulfhekel (W.), and Meyer (E.), « Proximity-Induced Superconductivity in Atomically Precise Nanographene », ACS Materials Lett., March 2023, 5, 4, 1083–1090: DOI: 10.1021/acsmaterialslett.2c00955
Anmol Shukla
  • Meingast (Ch.), Shukla (D.), Wang (L.), Heid (R.), Hardy (F.), Frachet (M.), Willa (K.), Lacmann (T.), Le Tacon (M.), Merz (M.), Haghighirad (A.-A.), Wolf (Th.), « Charge density wave transitions, soft phonon, and possible electronic nematicity in BaNi2(As1−xPx)2 », Phys. Rev. B., 106, 144507, October 2022:
Andrea Corazza
  • Yurgens (V.), Corazza (A.), Zuber (J.A.), Gruet (M.), Kasperczyk (M.), Shields (B. J.) Warburton (R. J.), Fontana (Y.), Maletinsky (P.), « Spectrally stable nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond formed by carbon implantation into thin microstructures », Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 234001, December 2022:
Guillermo Javier Preisser Beltran
  • Wellnitz (D.), Preisser (G.), Alba (V.), Dubail (J), Schachenmayer (J.), « Rise and fall, and slow rise again, of operator entanglement under dephasing », arXiv:2201.05099 [quant-ph]:
  • Preisser (G.),Wellnitz (D.), Botzung (Th.), Schachenmayer (J.), « Comparing bipartite entropy growth in open-system matrix product simulation methods », arXiv:2303.09426 [quant-ph]:


Alessandra Colla
  • « Strong Coupling Quantum Thermodynamics in Open Systems » — online seminar — Hayden group @ Stanford University, November 2021.
  • « Strong Coupling Quantum Thermodynamics in Open Systems » — seminar — QOS group @ Uni Freiburg, November 2021.
  • « Exact Approach to Strong Coupling Quantum Thermodynamics in Open Systems » — contributed talk — Openq22 workshop @ MPIPKS Dresden, February 2022.
  • « Exact Approach to Strong Coupling Quantum Thermodynamics in Open Systems » — contributed talk — EAS42 conference Riezlern, February 2022.
  • « Exact Approach to Strong Coupling Quantum Thermodynamics in Open Systems » — online contributed talk— DPG Spring Meeting AMO 2022, March 2022.
  • « Open System Quantum Thermodynamics » — seminar — RU seminar @ Uni Freiburg, October 2022.
  • « Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics in Open Systems: the Influence of Initial Correlations » — contributed talk — JSPS Symposium @ University of Nottingham, December 2022.
  • « Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics in Open Systems: the Influence of Initial Correlations », — contributed talk — DPG Spring Meeting AMO 2023, March 2023.
Andris Erglis
  • Quantum Optics Seminar in Freiburg on 20 May 2021.
Aleena Joseph
  • Oral presentation at the Magnetism and Magnetic Materials conference on 31 October 2022 (online).
Chaitanya Arya
  • Talk at the MRS spring meeting 2023, San Francisco, USA. Title: Thermal conductivity of GaAs-GaP Superlattice Nanowires. April 2023.
Deeksha Gupta
  • Oral presentation in CLN on 30 June 2022.
Alex Fétida
  • Quantum Optics Seminar in Freiburg on 20 May 2021.
Aleena Joseph
  • Oral presentation in a group meeting of Prof. Zumbuhl (Basel), 3 June 2022.
  • Oral presentation at DPG-SKM (Dresden, Germany), 28 March 23.
  • Oral presentation at the Forum sondes locales (Obernai, France), 3 April 2023.
Grazia Raciti
  • Talk on the « Spectroscopic investigation of charge density wave in TiSe2 flakes » at the SPS general meeting at University of Fribourg, Switzerland 27 – 30 June 2022.
  • Oral presentation at the Workshop Hydronics (UNIBASEL), 2 September 2022.
  • Oral presentation at the Workshop Hydronics (EMPA ZURICH), 9 May 2023.
Daria Sostina
  • Oral contribution at the DPG (German Physical society) spring meeting in 2023.
Ritika Dhundhwal
  • Talk at the DPG Spring meeting in Dresden, Germany. Title: Dominant materials losses in superconducting circuits based on Tantalum thin films. March 2023.
Salvatore Gatto
  • Oral talk at the DPG conference on Condensed Matter Physics in Regensburg, Germany. Title: Hierarchical equations of motions approach to the study of thermodynamic uncertainty relations, 4 – 9 September 2022.
  • Oral talk at the DPG conference on Condensed Matter Physics (Dresden, Germany). Title: Vibrationally-coupled electron transport in a quantum shuttle: A study using the hierarchical equations of motion approach, 26 – 31 March 2023.
Mohammed Guerboub
  • E-MRS Thesis Competition 22 July 2022: Nuclear quantum Effects and magneto-electronic patterns of hybrid and disordered materials: Insights and design via first principles molecular dynamics (NEMO).
  • First-principles molecular dynamics modelling of amorphous Gex-Sby-Tez systems. E-MRS VIRTUAL Conference 2021 Fall Meeting (online). 20 September 2021.
  • First-principles and machine-learned potential molecular dynamics modelling of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 systems: a quantitative assessment. E-MRS conference 2022 Fall Meeting, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. 19 September 2022.
Arun Kumar Jaiswal
  • Oral presentations at the Moonlight Seminar at KIT, Germany in October 2021, and at the KSQM Retreat Meeting in September 2022.
Jung-Ching Liu
  • Joint Annual Meeting of ÖPG and SPS, 3 September 2021: « On-surface synthesis of graphene nanoribbons on the superconducting Ag/Nb(110) substrate ».
  • DPG Fall Meeting: Condensed Matter Section, 1 October 2021: « On-surface synthesis of magnetic organometallic chains on the superconducting Ag/Nb(110) substrate ».
  • molCH meeting 16 June 2022: « On-surface Chemistry on Proximity-induced Superconductors ».
  • Novel 2D materials explored via scanning probe microscopy & spectroscopy. 20 June 2022. « Proximity-Induced Superconductivity in Atomically Precise Nanographene ».
  • The 23rd International Conference on Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy 5 May 2022: « Proximity-Induced Superconductivity in Atomically Precise Nanographene ».
  • QCQT seminar 18 October 2022: « Proximity-induced superconductivity in magnetic molecules ».
  • DPG Spring Meeting: Condensed Matter Section 2023 Talk contribution, 31 March 2023: « A two dimensional array of radical molecules on Pb(111) ».
Ivan Tsitsilin
  • APS March meeting in 2022, at the APS March meeting in March 2023, and at the DPG meeting in March 2023.
Charles Möhl
  • IBM Quantum transduction workshop 2023 in April 2023 and a talk at the CLEO Conference 2022 in May 2022.
Carlo Ciaccia
  • Presentation on ‘Gate tunable Josephson Diode in proximitised InAs Supercurrent Interferometers’ at the QCQT Research Seminar on 25 April 2023.


Alessandra Colla
  • « Entropy Production and Correlations in the driven Caldeira Leggett model », poster contribution and extended abstract at QUSTEC Summer School 2021, September 2021.
  • « Non-Perturbative Theory for Quantum Thermodynamics in Open Systems », poster contribution and abstract at QUSTEC Summer School 2022, September 2022.
Pietro Vahramian
  • Poster presentation at QUSTEC summer schools of 2021, September 2021.
  • Poster presentation at QUSTEC summer schools of 2022, September 2022.
Andris Erglis
  • Spring Meeting of German Physical Society, 20-24 September 2021.
  • Condensates of Light 2022 in Leiden, Netherlands, 4-8 April 2022.
  • QUSTEC Summer School in Freiburg, 19-24 September 2022.
  • Winter School in Tutzing, 20-23 February 2023.
Sai Prasanna Kumar Panguluri
  • ESM summer school 6 – 17 September 2021.
  • QUSTEC summer school 17-22 September 2022.
Aleena Joseph
  • Poster presentation at MagnEFi workshop/conference 10-14 October 2022.
Carlo Ciaccia
  • Poster on ‘Gate tunable Josephson Diode in proximitized InAs Supercurrent Interferometers’.
  • Rencontres de Moriond 2022, La Thuille, Italy, 25 March – 1 April 2023.
Patrick Lawes
  • QUSTEC 2021 Summer school poster presentation, September 2021.
  • E20 Augsburg retreat scientific presentation and proposal of project, October 2022.
Chaitanya Arya
  • Poster presentation, SOPHOT 2021, Barcelona, Spain. « Platforms for measuring thermal conductivity of Superlattices Nanowires ». October 2021.
  • Poster presentation, Nanowire week 2022, Chamonix, France. « Phononicand thermal properties of InAsSbtwin superlattices nanowires », April 2022.
  • Poster presentation – Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer VII, Palermo, Italy. « Thermal conductivity of GaAs-GaP and InAs1-x Sbx superlattices nanowires ». May 2022.
Deeksha Gupta
  • Poster presentation at the QUSTEC summer school 2022, 20 September 2022.
Alex Fétida
  • Poster presentation GdR nanoscience en champs proche sous ultra vide Toulouse, 23-20 November 2021.
  • Poster presentation conference Louis Neel (Obernai, France), 29 June – 1 July 2022.
Grazia Raciti
  • QUSTEC Summer school 2021: « Electrical and optical techniques to observe phonon hydrodynamics in 2D materials », Engelberg, Switzerland 14 -17 September 2021.
  • SOPHOT Conference: « Electrical and optical techniques to observe phonon hydrodynamics in 2D materials », ALBA Synchrotron, Barcelona, Spain 18 - 19 October 2021.
  • Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer VII: « Phonon hydrodynamic transport in 2D materials by ultrafast laser-based techniques », Palermo, Italy May 29 - Jun 2 2022.
  • 27th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS): « Phonon hydrodynamic transport in 2D materials by ultrafast laser-based techniques », California, USA, 14 – 19 August 2022.
  • QUSTEC summer school 2022 Stadt Freiburg Hotel, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany 19 - 23 September 2022.
Jean-Gabriel Hartmann
  • Poster presentation QuantMOCOTE 20236 Wurzburg, March 2023.
  • US-Switzerland Quantum Symposium 2023 Basel, March 2023.
  • Ecole Joliot-Curie 2021, Oléron, France: « The interplay between atomic electrons and the nucleus: traps, lasers and spectroscopy ». 3-8 October 2021.
  • molQueST 2023 Ascona, August 2022.
Ritika Dhundhwal
  • DPG Spring meeting, Regensburg – poster presentation: « Material losses in superconducting circuits based on Tantalum thin films ». September 2022.
Arun Kumar Jaiswal
  • Poster Presentation in APS March Meeting, USA March 2023.
Jung-Ching Liu
  • QUSTEC summer school 2021: « On-surface synthesis on the superconducting substrate », 14-17 September 2021.
  • QUSTEC summer school 2022: « Proximity-induced superconductivity in atomically precise nanographene », 19-23 September 2022.
  • Swiss NanoConvention 2021: « On-surface synthesis of graphene nanoribbons on the superconducting Ag/Nb(110) substrate », 25 June 2021.
  • SAOG meeting: « Fabrication of Kondo Lattice via On-surface Reactions », 3 February 2023.
  • DPG Spring Meeting: Condensed Matter Section 2023: « Fabrication of magnetic lattice via on surface reactions », 27 – 31 March 2023.
Ivan Tsitsilin
  • Superconducting Qubits and Algorithms (SQA) Conference. August 2022.
Andrea Corazza
  • Poster presentation QSIT Winter School in Arosa: Quantum Science and Technology, February 2022.
  • Poster presentation European Spring School in Strasbourg: Quantum Science and Technology, April 2022.
  • Poster presentation SFB Beyond Conference in Vienna: Frontiers of Quantum Information Science, September 2022.
Apurba Das
  • Poster presentation QUSTEC summer school 2021, Engelberg, Switzerland September 2021.
  • Poster presentation at DPG meeting 2022, Erlangen, Germany, May 2022.
  • Poster presentation at DPG 2023, Hannover, March 2023.

Outreach activities, lectures and articles

Andris Erglis
  • participated in the event « Science is Wonderful! (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) on 22–26 November 2021.
Aleena Joseph
  • has given an interview to Savoir(s) magazine in June 2021.
Carlo Ciaccia
  • participated in the organization of an international workshop in Tuscany as part of the Research Seminar ‘Current topics in quantum and nanoelectronics’ (12-16 September 2022).
Patrick Lawes
  • has completed a Praktikum Lab assistance in a chemistry teaching laboratory at KIT in September 2022.
Vineesha Srivastava
  • took part as an alumni mentor in a student-alumni mentorship programme 2021-2023.
Alex Fétida
  • gave an interview for the Strasbourg University
  • participated in a Lab tour for high school students (Lycée des Pontonniers, Strasbourg) on 27 June 2022.
Grazia Raciti
Samiul Islam
  • participated in organizing the school ‘Femto-UP 2020: Ultrafast lasers technologies and applications’ May 2021.
  • presented his research work done and shared general ideas about quantum technology sector with undergrad students. University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 2022.
Jean-Gabriel Hartmann
  • gave an interview to the Savoir Magazine, May 2021.
Wei Wu
  • participated in the 4th PhD Forum in Freiburg, 10 December 2021.
Ivan Tsitsilin
  • wrote an article about quantum computing for VAA Magazin, 22 November 2021.
Safa Lamia Ahmed
Anmol Shukla
  • contributed to report on the QUSTEC project in LookKIT magazine 2022.
Jung-Ching Liu
  • participated in the NCCR SPIN Tinguely Entangled on 25 March 2023.